Friday, 8 January 2016

Ginger Rice Wine Fish

I actually used to have a dish like this all the time when I was back home in Malaysia and I haven't had it for a year until now! To be honest, I didn't even know how my mum and my maid made it so I just bought myself a bottle of Chinese Hua Tiao Jiu and winged this and it came out perfect and exactly like how my mum used to make it!! Here goes: 

What you need: 

180g white fish (I used Rockling in this recipe)
5 tbsp Chinese Cooking Wine (Hua Tiao Jiu)
1 inch Ginger
2 cloves Garlic
1 ½ tbsp. Soy Sauce
½ tbsp. Sesame Oil
Pinch of Salt and White pepper

1. Marinate the fish in the 2 tbsp of rice wine, a pinch salt and pepper for 3 hours. (NOTE: White pepper is slightly more peppery compared to black pepper so if you don’t like it too spicy, use less of it.)
2. Smash garlic and ginger (this releases more flavour) before cutting the ginger into matchsticks and mincing the garlic. 
3. Prepare a pot/wok with water for steaming and let the water boil with the lid on. 
4. In a bowl, mix 3 tbsp rice wine, 1 1/2 tsp soy sauce, and ½ tbsp sesame oil.
5. Place the fish onto a plate/dish large enough for the pot/wok and pour the rice wine mixture on top of it. Top it up with garlic and ginger.
6. Steam fish for about 15-20 minutes and serve hot with rice.

From top left to bottom right: Sesame oil, Soy sauce, Chinese cooking wine (Hua Tiao Jiu), Salt, White pepper, Ginger, Garlic and Rockling.
Being put to marinate. (I actually left it overnight instead of a few hours)
Final Product
NOTE: I actually cut the 180g piece of rockling into two and only managed to steam one because my pot wasn't big enough. 

Happy cooking! And feel free to leave a comment. Any feedback is welcomed!

IG: _ambrosiaaaaa

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